No Sympathy, No TLC

I was sick last night, puked about 3-4 times. When one is sick, you realised who really cares for you. And I concluded, NO ONE cares about me at all.

Last night about 1 a.m., as usual, I irritated HC by asking to go out of the bedroom to pee and poo. She was very upset with me recently as I always poo in the middle of the night, thus disturbing her sleep. Anyway, after my pee and poo business, I continue to be very restless in bed cos I was feeling really queasy in my stomach. Again, I asked to be let out to the papers to puke. HC was so upset at me disturbing her every few mins that she throw me out of the bedroom. Her reasoning is that the papers will be more accessible if I sleep outside. But..... I am sick! I need some sympathies and some tender loving care from HC!!! Instead, I was alone in the living room and puking every now and then. Jack didn't even move an inch from his bed all the while. Talk about brotherhood! Humph.....

In the morning, HC woke up and said I deserved to be sick cos I gobbled up bread given by HC's dad the evening before. You see, he loves us alot and usually feed us with 2-3 slices of bread at one go. And of course I got to show my appreciation by gobbling up as fast as possible. And, we hardly get to meet him these days.

Jack didn't do any better. He poo twice this morning from the overeating.

HC said she will postponed our dinner from 6pm. to 10p.m from today onwards so that I don't wake her up to poo every night. If I continue to do that after the delayed dinner, she will not feed us dinner altogether!!!!! oh NO... someone please help!!!!


Anonymous said...

U can come over to my place anytime.

Well at least you and Jack won't go hungry

Anonymous said...

How to come over without HC?? sigh.. life is sad

Anonymous said...

You got 2-3 slices??? for your size??? Darn! I only get 1 slice! I've been short-changed!

Anonymous said...

Whenever I have to vomit, I don't even wake my Mummy up, I just vomit all over the bed!

Anonymous said...

Vomit on the bed?? I will get hang!