Bones Day

We are having mutton bones today!

Ever since my little mishap, we only get to eat bones once in a while.

So, imagine how happy we were when we saw the mutton bones!

Yum yum

Jack is also having a great time!


Anonymous said...

hmm.. why do they eat on newspaper? i mean, what if they ingest the ink as well?

Anonymous said...

haha. I eat bone on the papaer as well.. I guess ink is digestive :) I am sure if our paws are more flexible to hold or grab bone, human will serve it on the plate though. hee


Anonymous said...

They are eating on newspaper cos I hate to have to scrub the floor. A little of ink is nothing compared to the stuff they picked up at the park.
They do eat up some newspaper that get stuck to the bones too... hehe..

Anonymous said...

I eat on the papers too. Actually, I don't care where I eat, as long as I get to eat...

Anonymous said...

i bring bones to my crate... hee hee. cos i am scared russell will snatch them. russell eats his on an old old towel.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Auntie G gave them the classified page so what remain, is probably - 'message sent from above' hehe especially if the job and the pay are both good.

I used to eat on the newspaper but not anymore coz mom can't stand the sight of the papers sticking on the bone