Happy 9th Adoption Anniversary
Time really flies. This is the 9th year since Jack came to live with HC.
Jack was a mean terror 9 years ago. He bit humans whenever things were not to his liking i.e. time for shower, training,being touched or when he's just unhappy that someone walked pass when he's asleep. Well, actually almost everything were not to his liking then.
HC remembered that during his first training class - he sat with his bum facing the trainer no matter how HC tried to push him to sit facing trainer. hahaha..
Now, he is so much better behaved. I guess it has to do with love, security, patience and training. He no longer has to worry about being abandoned... (HC added : when something is not to his liking nowadays - he just grumbled.. ALOT.. hahaha)
Happy 9th Anniversary, Jack. (7.5 yrs with me since I came later)
Jack is the not-as-handsome dog, on the left side.