I love Stuffies
Besides my rubber balls, I also love stuffies.
In my 9 years with HC - I had destroyed countless stuffies. When I was a puppy, all stuffies exploded within 5 mins!
Nowadays, as I aged, I learnt how to treasure my stuffies more. Their lifeline has extended to a couple of months.
I loved them so much that I sleep on them.
Here's when I was five years old. The stuffies had RIP!
You noticed that missing feet? hahaha
This was taken a few months back. The gecko is still alive, by the way.
HC was at a crazy kids' toy fair recently and saw these cute stuffies. These can make funny noises when you squeezed the stomach.
The green one is hiding inside my unreachable-and-longingly looked-toy-box.
The black one goes "MA MA KO KO KE KE".