Revenge is sweet

A couple of days ago, we (dogs) were all dumped at Scuba’s house while the humans went for dinner.

As a revenge for being dumped, we asked Jack to help since he’s the only one with ‘stuff’ to spare.

Guess what greeted the humans when they opened the door? Well, Jack has offloaded his wet poo in the living room and toilet. However, Auntie V said the most unusual thing: “I am impressed that Jack knew how to go poo in the toilet!”. HC was not impressed though because she had walked both of us for at least 15 mins to ‘offload’ us – but Jack simply wasn’t interested.

(HC : it is really embarrassing for Jack to mess up Scuba’s place. However, the only consolation was that I knew Jack did it in the toilet first, but when he got too much shit and no space in the toilet, he did it in the living room. He has this habit of wanting ‘space’ for his shit)

Also, the humans were in such a rush that they forgot the most important thing - that is keeping the cat’s food away. But HC thought we didn’t eat much of it, cos there are still kibbles left in the bowl when they checked.

But she’s sooo wrong.

At night, Jack drank a lot of water – which is unusual cos dogs on raw food drank very little water. Also, he looks bloated and vomited a little. The next day, more horrors awaits – Jack pooped almost 1 week worth of shit – during the day as well as middle of the night. Needless to say, HC is not amused.

Jack looking very pleased with himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That's so funny... When my humans are away, and I need to have an emergency poo, I will poo near the door. :-)
