Charity Doggieshoot

A couple of weeks back, HC booked us a slot for Charity Doggieshoot organised by Helios' M.

Jack and I were excited yet anxious as we were in a strange place with lots of funny smell and hundreds of legs (HC : there were like 20 humans and 4-5 dogs actually!)

Here's me anxiously waiting for the shoot to begin.

(HC : Joey often lift up 1 leg when he is excited or very focus on something. A friend of mine said this is a pointing stance. )

Mirror Image.

Joey: I'm getting a bit worried on a high table, and lots of strange stuff and smell.
Look carefully, and you'll see a tiny eye bag on my left eye. Think it was due to the accident I had.

(HC : All of Joey's pic had him looking like a frightened dog. This is the less frighten look)

Jack pictures came out a lot nicer than mine :(

Handsome Jack *puke* (according to HC)


Alfie's mum bought bones for us during her trip to Australia some months back. It has been sitting in the fridge until HC finally remembered to let us have it.

See.. the bone is almost as long as my leg!

Jack is enjoying his too.

Thanks for your generosity, Auntie SK!

By the way, we loved the goat tendons too!

Happy Anniversary Willy

We went to Willy's 1st Anniversary to his new home and his brother's Fido's birthday 2 Saturdays ago.

It was quite a distance from the car park to the park, and I had to carry my own bag ***grumbles...***

Willy and us.

Jack and Willy wasn't very co-operative in photo taking.

We wanted to take more pics, esp of the birthday boy - Fido. But HC's camera battery went flat as usual. You can visit their blog here