Breath test
Have you ever wonder how bad your own breath is?
According to HC, mine rates 4/10 (10 being really bad bad bad breath), and Jack's used to be like 8/10.
The reason is this
See the yellow tartar on Jack's front inner teeth? She has tried giving him bones, but it didn't managed to clean off the front inner part cos we don't use it to gnaw on bones. For the last few months, HC has been religiously brushing our teeth every night, and Jack's stain has gone down a little. She is contemplating sending Jack for teeth scaling later this year.
Anyway, HC found this write up about parsley :
- Parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals, including A and C, as well as calcium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, potassium, and iron.
- The boron and fluorine in parsley give strength to the bones.
- The German Commission E, an advisory panel on herbal medicines, has approved parsley for use in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones.
- Parsley's high chlorophyll content makes this beneficial herb a natural as a tasty breath freshener.
So, HC has been boiling parsley in water, and stored these boiled water in little containers in the fridge. Every day, we will get 2 tablespoon or so with our food. And it helps! HC said that Jack's breath is now 7/10 and mine 3/10! Yay!
Note : Jack has protested about me posting the above un-cool picture of his yellow teeth, and wants everyone to know that most of this teeth are WHITE! In fact the vet has seen him and said he has healthy teeth and gum given his age.
He posed this picture to prove how white his teeth are: