More online purchases
Thanks to a all-time low US currency exchange, HC bought these for us:
This is a plant-cell grown nutritional supplement for dogs on raw food diet. HC had been feeding us the calcium supplement under the same brand, but decided to switch to this as it has a combination of the 3 essential starter supplement based on Pat Mckay's formulations.
Ms. Mckay has years of experience in raw food, homeopathy and plant cell supplements, and is an accomplished author of several books (Reigning Cats & Dogs, A Holistic Approach to Royal Treatment for Healthy, Happy Carnivores and Natural Immunity, Why You Should NOT Vaccinate!) . If you want to read her free e-books, click here.
Write up about plant-cell grown supplements are available here and here.
And the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins - here
(HC : the articles are really lengthy and gives me a headache each time I read them! But I came across a very interesting study about cats being given 2 different diet : cooked food and raw food. Needless to say, I am happy that Jack and Joey are on raw food)
Let's switch to some fun stuff instead of boring statistics and studies done by humans!
Toys Galore!
So far, I can only managed to beg for a new toy out of this lot. Mmmmmm... wonder when will HC give me the entire box of toys to play.
Posted by
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Fight Against Tartar
Remember an earlier post where HC was contemplating sending Jack for a teeth scaling due to the tartar on his front - lower teeth? She brushes our teeth every night without fail, and even purchased an expensive tooth gel that promised to remove tartar in 2 weeks! Unfortunately the tooth gel didn't work.
Then, back in end September, she ordered some homeopathic products from an online store in Australia. One of the product was called Plaqgone, and even though HC was sceptical about how some tiny poppy pills can help, she went ahead to order it as shipping was expensive and it make sense (does it?) to buy more items.
Just last week, when HC was brushing our teeth, she saw a crack along Jack's yellow tartar. At first, she was worried as she thought that his canine teeth must be infected and about to drop off. She tried shaking the teeth a little, but it was still intact in his gum.
The next day, she checked Jack's mouth again, and was ecstatic to see that the lower portion of his tartar (closest to his gumline) had dropped off.
See the highlight area where his tartar used to be.
As you can see, there are still some tartar left but HC is very glad that there are major progress to removing tartar without having to get Jack go under GA.
To every dog who doesn't want to visit the vet for teeth scaling - please go and purchase plaqgone from here . The price that you see on the website is for Australian resident (who will be subjected to govt taxes/duties). To avoid misunderstanding, do write to them to ask for international prices.
Disclaimer - If plaqgone doesn't work for your dog, please don't ask me for a refund. The most I can offer is sloppy, wet kisses in return. Also, I think plaqgone works well for Jack because HC brushes our teeth every night.
Posted by
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Labels: Health
I managed to sneak inside the bed before Jack did!
(HC : Joey has been trying to sleep on this bed since day 1. And yesterday, he finally managed to sneak in before Jack. I pushed him out a few times, but he kept going back to the bed. He is really a very persistent and possessive dog. He needs to have everything - from food, toys and now even bed! Luckily, Jack is usually quite good natured about Joey taking over )
Posted by
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Nothing for me?
HC came home with a huge bag yesterday and she took this pink-coloured thing out.
She said it's a Pet's Sleeping Bag.
Since it's for pets, I thought it must be for me and settled down happily.
Then HC said, "Joey, it's not for you."
Huh? Not for me??
HC said the sleeping bag is for Jack as he loves to snuggle in bed. And since most of the toys she bought was for me, it's time to get Jack something he loves.
She was right. All HC had to do was to lift up the top flap, and Jack happily went inside to snuggle up.
See how he loves to hide his face while sleeping?
Of course I wasn't happy
And I gave HC 'the look' the entire time.
Most nights, I like to sleep on HC's bed. To protect her own bed, she had placed a thin bed there for me.
But last night, I wsa too upset and decided that I won't sleep on the bed cos she placed Jack and his new sleeping bag there.
I went to my own 6-inch thick bed and had my bum facing HC and Jack.
A depressed-looking me
(HC : I bought this new sleeping bag cos I know Jack would loved it. Currently, they are using 6-inch thick customised bed on the floor, so that it would make their 'aged' bones more comfortable. But surprisingly, when I leave this new sleeping bag on the floor, Jack promptly went in to snuggle. It must be so comfortable esp during this wet season.
ok... I know the color is too girlish for them, but i couldn't resist it. And I was sold when the sales assistant told me they had imported two pieces and this is the last piece. The words "last piece" and "exclusive" always works for me)
When the day turns warmer, he slept on top of the sleeping bag instead.
A sad and jealous-looking Joey.
Posted by
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Labels: Others
Hidden Treasures
HC came home from work, and found me looking at her like this.
She asked, "what's wrong, Joey?"
And I had to SHOW her exactly what I want.
Joey : you geddit?
HC finally got what I was trying to say and helped me to retrieve my hidden treasure. It was a tiny piece of treat that rolled out of my treat ball and ran under HC's step machine to hide.
(HC : Both Jack and Joey will get some treats before I leave for work daily. To give them more challenge and buy me time to leave peacefully, their treats are hidden in treats balls, sealed boxes and rolled towels. And this is not the first time that Joey's treats rolled to unreachable areas. I'll reach home some 9 hours later, and somehow, he'll always remember that he had an unreachable treat somewhere. The good thing that came out of his fantastic memory is that there will never be a forgotten pests-attracting treat lying somewhere in the house)
In another incident where the treats rolled under the machine again, HC came home and found me looking dirty as I had been trying for hours to dig the treat out.
Black marks over my cheek.
Black marks over my paws.
I just hate having to wait 9 hours for HC. Can't she come home earlier?
Posted by
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Labels: Food