Funny noises at night

It was almost 12 midnight, and all of us were zzzzzzzz......
Than we heard funny noises that goes...'kor kor kor kor...'
At first, HC thought it was me dreaming cos I always have weird dreams. Sometimes, I make noises that sounded exactly like the above, even funnier is that sometimes my legs will be moving as if i am running.
Than, HC realised it wasn't me, as I was by then wide awake beside her. We than realised it was Tommy who was making the funny noises. And, the noise gets louder and louder, until HC got worried and started to call out to Tommy. Immediately, the noise stops.
Wonder what was Tommy dreaming about? Dad & Mom whereabouts? Frisbee? Balls? or maybe dreaming of fighting with Rafv AND buddy.. hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tommy might feel daddy wants to get a puppy. haha. what is the earth cry like "kor kor kor'.....

Strange guy...