Name Analysis

Herbie got his name analysed. So here's mine...

You have a strong, independent, adventurous pet who is filled with wanderlust.
Not quite true that I am independent. One of my weakness in SAR is that I always look to HC for guidance, and gets a bit unsure if she is not around. And I definitely am not filled with wanderlust, even off leash, I usually will turn around and make sure HC is nearby
Your pet has a highly developed sixth sense, especially when it comes to home and family. This animal is very tenacious and intensely loyal. Your pet is certainly never dull.
True true. I may be friendly to people, but once they stepped near my home, I will bark like crazy.
You may find this animal has a dualistic nature being very communicative one minute and sullen the next. Your pet is obedient, learns quickly, and can be a bit standoffish.
True too. I can be sullen when I had too much sleep and not enough play time. Yes, I am obedient, learns quickly if I want to, and am standoffish towards some dogs. You won't see me playing much with dogs in general. Must have learnt it from Jack.

Here's Jack's analysis:
You have a strong, independent, adventurous pet who is filled with wanderlust. Your pet has a real need for adventure and has very little fear, so keep an eye on this one!
(ROFL) Jack is never adventurous. He is such a homebody that after awhile in the park, he will be sitting by the door to go home! No fear??? ROFL... you have not seen the way he scream when Pepper the cat comes near. But I must say Jack is very independent, sometimes, offleash, he will wander a bit further away.

This is a curious, loving pet who's a real 'people' animal. Your pet may appear slow at first, but always manages to get his/her catch. This animal is also very protective of home and family.
AGAIN, ROFL.. Jack is a 'people' animal??? I am sure alot of aunties and uncles had heard him growled at them before. Just the other day, he almost nipped Uncle C when he, being his usual irritating self, tried to disturb him with Scuba's tail. hehehe.
oh but.. Jack is very very protective of home and family. He actually bit a garang guni man who came into the house before.

Ermmm... conclusion, I don't think the name analysis work

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