Can I have your attention, please?

I realised the humans love yakking non-stop.

At the park, I like to play ball fetching with the humans. In order to be fair, almost everyone will get a chance to throw a ball for me. And I have learnt that humans are lazy, thus I always placed the ball very near to them. Sometimes even on their palms if I can reach.

But sometimes, I am so exasperated when the humans ignored me and continued yakking. So I have to be rude and barked at them to get their attention.

However, there are times when barking does not work i.e. humans talk louder than my barking.

So this is what I do.....

I placed my ball ON Auntie S's shoe. And it works!!! She turned her attention to me and play fetch. I think I am damn smart. This works even better than barking and I can preserved my voice for something more important.

Maybe I should try to think of something to play fetch in reverse i.e. humans fetch the ball for me to throw??? Any idea how to do that????

After a fun day at park, time to hug my ball and go to dreamland.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joey, I must say that is really smart of you! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

i saw what u did the last time. getting MY slave to throw ball for u! cannot!

Anonymous said...

Why Ice, jealous eh? nah nah nee boo boo....

Anonymous said...

Dear Joey,

You are so smart dog! Wow! For me, I bark at my Mummy to throw ball for me to fetch! Yeah, I am very demanding!

Anonymous said...

Joey, you are so smart!

I'm one of those who does not know how to play fetch. :(

Anonymous said...

Yah lah. You are damn smart.. Maybe you can ask your mum to buy you a fly ball machine so that you don't need to plot so much.. Ball fly out from machine automatically :) Me, smart too? hehe


Anonymous said...

i saw tat flyball machine. But i am only 4.5kg, you know. Think I need alot of strength to step on the machine? And... most importantly, I doubt if the machine accept my kind of ball. I mean the RUBBER ball.

Anonymous said...

u know what i did to the beagle who kept jumping on my slave's lap??

it sure regreted that it pushed me off from my slave...

i went to the beagle and let out a fart.

Anonymous said...

No worries... I am immune to farts cos Jack's farts are very very potent. he esp likes to fart in the car. HC is always scolding jack for polluting the car.