HC left us at the clinic early this morning as I had to undergo the Low Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test (LDDS) for Cushing's disease. In addition, both Jack and I will also have comprehensive blood test to check on our general well-being.
Needless to say, we were abit nervous about being left alone. At 8.45 a.m, I was sent to the 'slaughter table'. I struggled and tried to bite the doc and nurses but was sadly overpowered. A huge vial of blood was taken from my neck region :( . I also had an injection - which I think is called Colvasone. (HC : I remembered the vet said that with this injection, a normal dog will not produce cortisol. That's why blood samples are taken every 4th and 8th hour to check if the body produces cortisol)
At 12.45 p.m. and 4.45 p.m., I was again sent to 'slaughter table' for blood to be drawn. Resigned to my fate, I co-operated and let the humans do whatever they wanted. (HC : the doc said Joey was very co-operative on the next 2 rounds and simply lift up his head so that the vet could have easy access to his neck region. hahaha..)
HC picked us up right after my last blood sample was drawn. We were esctatic to see her.
The vet updated HC on our health status based on the comprehensive blood test:.
Jack - very healthy but dehydrated due to lack of water intake. However, he has very dirty ears. (HC : I went home to check on his ears, even shone a touch light into the ear. I see very little ear wax, and am perplexed why the vet said Jack's ears are dirty. Could he mistake Jack for Joey? mmmm.... )
Joey - that's me - very healthy but dehydrated due to lack of water intake. Ear infection and swollen eye - due to this incident! (HC : I was aware Joey has slight ear infection the night before, but as for the eye - I thought he had recovered.)
As for the LDDS test for Cushing's - vet said it will take about 10 days. *fingers crossed*
The financial damage for this day trip to the vet? Almost $700!!!
After a nerve wrecking day - HC bought us yummy lamb meal from a nearby doggie cafe.

I also have swollen, bruised neck from the countless needle poking.

These two pictures show my calcinosis cuties on my belly region. I have no such skin problem on the rest of my body.