HC has not been going to work since the 19th Dec, and I heard she's only going back next year! Gosh... I hope her boss won't sack her!
Anyway, we had some joyous Xmas celebration:
Goofy Helios :
Serious-looking Tommy.
And as usual, the greedy humans have their tea and desserts after dinner. This time, they decided to have nuts for dessert.
Unfortunately (well, fortunately for me), they didn't do a good job cracking the nuts and a few fell to the floor.
I am not called 'pirahna' for nothing. Any food dropped on the floor is mine.
I took about 5 mins to crack the nuts and then ate it all - shells included.
We had serious partying and begging at our Xmas' party - but I probably have to wait for Auntie S to send us the photos.
Aftermath of serious partying and begging.