Teaching Herbie to play

Whenever Herbie's M went to petshops with my HC and saw her spending all her hard earned money on our toys, she (Herbie's M) will happily said that she's glad Herbie doesn't play with toys. But recently, she got to eat her words as Herbie has just learnt how to (see here) . We think Herbie is learning now in case the new dog - Helios gets all the toys.

Anyway, I feel that Herbie is not playing toys the right doggy way. He nibbles the toys as if they are fragile, and he can spent 15 mins - unsuccessful in removing the spikes off the ball!

Since Herbie is a non-retrieving Golden Retriever (so no fetch game), I decided to teach him another new game. I took it upon myself to teach him how to throw a ball for me to fetch.

See my attempts..

As you can see from the video, I even put the ball closer to him at one point. Also, he can hear another dog barking far away (he turned to look at the dog at one point) but totally ignores my barking! He even got a very tortured look and tried to move away from me.

What's wrong with him?????


Joe Stains said...

oh no, maybe herbie doesn't speak terrier and didn't understand what you were saying???

Herbie said...

My M says you should not respond to bad behaviour....

Nessa Happens said...

I don't get it! How could he miss what you wanted? I would have thrown it for you. alternatively, I am very good at playing with tuggy toys and smaller dogs. I let them get a grip on one end, I take the other, and I FLING the smaller dog up into the air by whipping my head around. You should see how far I can fling a chihuahua!

Joey said...

Joe stains - Terrier speak is different from Retriever speak?? mmmmm...maybe I should take up language classes.

Herbie - what bad behavior? asking you to throw ball very bad ?? :)

Nanook... I would love to play with you. I am quite good at playing tug.

Hammer said...

Hi Joey

Herbie looks like such an adorable guy, I'd just let him do what he wants to do. He's a Gundog afterall, like me.

Love from your friend, Hammer