1 + 1 = 1

That's what HC's dad taught us....

Yesterday, HC complained that he (HC's dad) should not have overfed us the other day causing me to puke and Jack to poo too much. Immediately, her dad said, "ok, I won't feed them too miuch bread, will just feed them ONE tiny piece of biscuit." Having said that, he immediately went to the biscuit container and gave us 1 biscuit each. Then, HC exclaimed, "oh no... not the lemon puff biscuits! It is too sweet for dogs!". Hehe, too late, we already ate it.

HC's dad saw an opportunity to feed us more and said, "oh, never mind.. I will feed them the plain ones then!" And he went to give us one more plain cracker each.
I can see from afar that HC is rolling her eyes. hahaha...So end up we had 2 biscuits each, instead of the promised 1.

I bet even Herbie have not tasted lemon puff biscuits. I think he only eats plain ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my slave will faint if i eat such things... lemon puff biscuits... its a sin.