Dental Apparatus
Ever since our diet has less RMBs (raw meaty bones) due to our little dental accidents, HC is worried about the state of our dental health. She feels that our teeth does not look as good as before despite the bi-monthly recreational bones.
The other day at the dog show, she bought this special toothbrush, 3-in-1 where the front, back and top teeth can be brush at the same time.
Weird-looking toothbrush
However, we don't like this toothbrush as we had to open our mouth real wide, which proved to be a real challenge to HC. Jack, who usually tolerants toothbrushing, started to growl a little nowadays. (of course, HC reprimanded him)
So she alternate this with our regular toothbrush -
Look, our Mickey Mouse toothbrush!
HC has more scary dental apparatus!
The smaller sharp apparatus is for her to dig out stuck tendons and meat pieces in-between our teeth. This is especially useful after our bi-monthly mutton bones.
The bigger one claims to remove tooth stain, which doesn't work, of course.
I think HC is obsessed with our dental health! Can someone please talk some sense to her?