Scuba in hospital

Poor Scubs is in hospital!
For the last two days, Scuba was not feeling well, and vomitted whenever he eats. HC wondered if it was because he ate the toad! Finally, today, Scuba's mummy decided to bring him to see the vet. It was found out that the oxtail that he ate 2 days ago was stuck somewhere in his stomach. Vet tried to push the oxtail (I think through the anus.. ouch), but not successful. So in the end, Scuba had to go through a surgery. Poor Scuba. I think HC is gonna go visit him later in the hospital.

Scuba's mummy said that he probably gobbled down his oxtail as he is worried that Chewie (who is boarding there to nurse his broken leg) will snatched his food. Sigh.... HC just reminded us never to gobble down food (which I sometimes forgets), else we will end up like Scuba.

Speedy recovery, Scubs! Hope to see you at the park soon.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jack and Joey for thinking of Scuba.

Your mommy was fantastic. She gave Scuba a cushion so he can rest on. She said the cushion belong to both of you but was sure you both didn't mind giving it away to Scuba.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the cushion. Just before I left the hospital, I peeed on it (hehe didn't realised it belong to you) otherwise I wouldn't have.

I am home so you can visit me soon