Life as a Dog

HC had just finished the highly acclaimed book - Marley & Me, with tears in her eyes. I guess all dog owners can identify with the author, the exasperation over our bad behaviors, laughter over our funny antics and as well as the sadness over our death (in future, I mean). Well, we dogs live a much shorter life than humans. But honestly, I wouldn't want to trade my life with that of a human. You see, humans work hard for a living at least half of their lives. We, dogs, with the exception of farm working dogs (never met one before in my entire life), live in bliss. We get treats before the humans leave for work. Sleeps 10-12 hours while no one's home. And, contrary to popular beliefs, not all dogs will watch over the house. Some feel that being a watch dog is way beneath them (ask Herbie and Scuba.. hehe). When the humans drag their tired body back home, we demand them to play with us (ask the long-suffering HC). In my opinion, the term, "work like a dog" should be changed to "work like a dog owner"!

Now, which human wanna trade to be a dog??

(HC : P.S. I would highly recommend another book - A dog called Perth. It is as good as Marley & Me, if not better. It is availabe at the National Libray... go borrow it!)


Anonymous said...

My M was reading the book too... highly recommended! And ya... I wont wanna trade my life for anything else!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joey...does your M wanna sell her marley book? I must get my mummy to read it she will shed tears and love me more keke...

I heard Rex & the City is good too! she can read dat next! ;)