What a Sunday!

What an eventful day ....
It started off on a good note, when all of us slept till 12 noon. Had a late breakfast, and more snoozing until in the afternoon when Auntie V askes us over to have dim sum. Yes, we dogs get to eat too.... char siew bao (just the bao, no char siew though).
After the sumptous dim sum, we went over to The Animal Resort. At first, I thought we had to go dog training again and was not too pleased. But I was pleasantly surprised to know that HC was only there to meet a friend cos she can get some dog treats at a good deal. She spent more than a hundred dollars on them.

We bought 6 packets of roo treats, one blinker and two small tennis treat ball. So happy...

But things started going downhill after that....

While we were on the way back to the car, HC suddenly saw 3 huge dogs in the property next to Animal Resort. They saw us and started barking. HC continued to walk us back to the car, while keeping her eyes on the dogs. Then she saw one of them running towards us. She quickened her pace, at the same time fumbling with the car keys. It was made more difficult cos she was holding our leash on one hand and the other hand holding the box of treats. Luckily, she managed to open the car door with the remote. She panicked when she heard the barking coming closer. In her hurry, she threw the box of treats to the ground, and with her free hands, grabbed us and throw us into the car seat. Yhew... that was a close call! Thank god the treats are still intact.

After that we went to the park for my usual ball playing. Met Tommy there and decided to have a quick dinner. On the way home, HC was driving on the right side of the road. All of a sudden, WHAM! Our car shook and HC screamed. She quickly pulled over and went to see the damage..

There were scratches on the left front side as well as the side mirror. HC was so angry that she started scolding. In the end, she realised that one stupid car driver (A) drove out of a bus stop into left lane without looking out for oncoming traffic. Another stupid car driver (B) in a panic to avoid collison swerved to our lane. Both of them are to blame! A for driving out without looking, and B for swerving to our lane. Damn ASSSSSSSSS..........

@#!$#!@!% stupid drivers!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh. that is really bad luck.. are u fine?